Europe Day, 2024

Vienna, Austria – AMAD participated for the third year in a row in the activities organized for Europe Day, invited by the Municipality of Vienna and partner organization Viego. The concerts and fair of institutions and organizations from all over Europe aimed to promote the values ​​of the European Union: unity in diversity and solidarity. In addition, the “Europe Day” activities fair takes place with the presence of various organizations and embassies to promote common national values ​​with those of the EU, both in terms of rights, freedoms, democracy, social and especially youth empowerment.

AMAD represented civil society and its objective in European integration through youth empowerment.

në Shqipëri e Diasporë.

LIFE-Living Safely in a Digital World

The project “Living Safely in a Digital World” (acronym: LIFE) will be implemented during 2 years (November 1, 2023 – October 31, 2025).

LIFE project consortium team is led by AMAD (Albania) in the role of the coordinator, YES (Bulgaria), Beyond Borders (Italy), KOM018 (Serbia), and Euromed Eve Tunisia (Tunisia).

The aim of LIFE project, proposed by this consortium is to increase the resilience of the young generation on facing the risks of the digitalization and its impact in their everyday life through empowering youth organizations to be involved in policy dialogue and use non-formal learning in their work with the young people.
The objectives of LIFE are: 1. Enabling youth organizations to cooperate in inter/national level and “speak up” on behalf of young people, advocating to decision-makers for a safe internet that impacts their lives
2. Empowering youth workers with the necessary skills to support the young generation on their struggles to the digitalization of life through non-formal learning
3. Raising awareness on the impact of digitalization in the young people’s lives and how to work toward increased resilience

These objectives would be achieved through the following steps:

• Establishment of a reporting platform on the risks of internet use, such as hate speech, cyber bullying etc. The platform will serve to all the partners to monitor the situation on their own countries and then denounce it. These complaints will every year be gathered in a report format and will be presented to the responsible national institutions, trying to engage policymakers in the process, for them to engage further in the protection of the future (young generation) while the digital technology is changing the lifestyle and life perceptions. This will also empower the partners as they will increase their communication with the policymakers regarding the youth policies. A comparative report will be prepared to analyse the situation in the consortium countries.

• Building the capacities of youth workers regarding the safe internet, hate speech, cyber bullying, media literacy through transnational trainings, as well as strengthening their capacities through job shadowing process in the partner organizations. Non-formal education will be very important during the training, especially for youth workers. During these trainings, youth workers will also provide ideas of change, proposing change projects that can be implemented in their own countries to engage youth and to increase resilience on the risks of internet. These change projects will be important for the young community but also youth workers themselves to put in practice what they’ve learned and serve as change agents.

• Raising awareness through internet and face-to-face activities on the safe internet, increasing media literacy, facing hate speech and cyber bullying. This will be done through innovative ways, such as TEDx talks, while engaging all the important stakeholders, that include: parents, teachers, social workers, policy-makers, private sector etc. These TEDx talks will be organized and then shared online for the community. Short movies will be prepared and published by the project to raise awareness of the young generation as well as world cafes, where the participation of the youth will be required.


The project contributes to the following thematic areas/specific objectives of the call:
• Political participation, civic engagement and dialogue with decision-makers
• Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
• Antidiscrimination and gender equality
• Digital and entrepreneurial skills

It also contributes to the call objectives:
• Promote non-formal learning activities in third countries not associated to the programme, especially targeting young people with fewer opportunities, with a view to improving the level of competences while ensuring the active participation of young people in society: LIFE will use non-formal learning to increase the capacities of youth workers of the consortium and will focus on the young people with fewer opportunities (the ones that are victims of hate speech, cyber bullying, suffering from mental health problems etc.)
• Contribute to the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) including the 11 European Youth goals and the Youth Action Plan in the EU External Action – LIFE will focus on inclusion, anti-discrimination and mental health when concerning European Youth Goals.
• Foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives – the consortium of LIFE includes youth organizations from Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy and Tunisia, having a cooperation from very different regions of the globe


LIFE will contribute to the horizontal priorities:

  1. Environmental sustainability: Though LIFE is not directly engaged in the environment, its focus is on internet, which is also an important polluter of the environment. As such, the organizations have discussed about using safe methods and increasing the awareness of people on the effects that internet has even in the environmental aspect and how it affects the environmental sustainability. During the production of the project materials, the management team will discuss with the web-developers (ITs) to use the best ways on safe environment.
  2. Inclusion and Diversity: This priority is very important throughout LIFE as it will focus on inclusion of different people and will focus on young people with fewer opportunities. While the internet gives all the priority to be included, it also can be used on the opposite: to exclude others. Promoting diversity and inclusion will be an important part of the project which will be part of the capacity building activities, such as transnational trainings, change project, as well as the awareness campaign.
  3. Digital dimension: As LIFE is focused on safe internet, the digital dimension is of course its target. Digital skills will be important during the project life for the youth workers as well as the youth in general. The consortium will prepare and use the internet to improve the links between people. Also, in the involvement and capacity building activities of youth workers and youth NGOs, the European Youth Portal and European Youth strategy Platform will be used as important “links” of the youth community.
  4. Common values, civic engagement and participation: Critical thinking and media literacy are important in this project. The youth workers will increase their capacities on “reading” internet, improving their understanding and also having a safe approach toward internet and all its benefits. It will be important for this project to enable young people to understand the negative and positive effects of the internet and how to protect themselves, and increasing media literacy among them is one of the best approaches.

Increasing youth capacities in soft skills and digital skills

This project responds both to the need of young people in finding themselves approaching the labour market, and the need to improve the capacities of youth workers, who must be professionally prepared in the treatment of young people, career counselling and assisting their need in developing digital skills and soft skills.

Through this project, AMAD aims to promote the education of young people, especially youngsters with fewer opportunities due to the socio-economic factor, with an approach focused on digital skills and the development of soft skills, interaction with other young people and more importantly, civic education and active involvement. A website, which will become a Virtual Youth Center, designed, and built by the targeted youngsters is brought as an innovative approach by this project after the trainings and mentorship in design, programming, Microsoft packages, content creator, etc., as well as those for training soft skills, such as: communication, critical thinking, etc.

The empowered group of youngsters in this project will bring a drafting of a project proposal by the youth themselves, on a specific chosen topic by them.

This project will have a duration of 10 months for the realization of the planned activities and will be realized with the support of the National Youth Agency (AKR) and the Minister of State for Youth and Children (MSHRF).


COL-Colors of Humanity

The project “Colors of Humanity” (COL) is an international action to be implemented by a consortium of organizations on four countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria and Kosova. AMAD has the leading role/coordinator in this consortium. The project is co-financed by EU under the Erasmus+ Programme: Capacity Building in the field of Youth.

COL promotes EU values gender equality and counter discrimination through using non-formal education and youth work to create social mechanisms that involve different stakeholders.

The activities of COL will be focused on:

  • Empowering youth workers competencies in promoting EU values of non-discrimination, tolerance, inclusive societies
  • Support and raise the advocacy capacities
  • Increase the involvement of several stakeholders on gender antidiscrimination and awareness activities
  • Raising awareness and advocacy countering hate speech

This project will be implemented for period of 2 years, beginning on 1st of January 2023 and ending on 31 of December 2024.

Stay tuned and be part of AMADs network for more opportunities.

Empowering Future Leaders

This project aims to improve youth welfare and development by enhancing youth’s skills in leadership and getting involved in decision-making processes. Through this project AMAD contributes to increasing youth awareness and information related local governance and EU integration process as well as enhance the critical thinking and leadership skills of young people.

A number of dedicated activities will focus in understanding the functioning of the local administration (duties, structure, and most of all the mechanisms that ensure citizens involvement). The second part of these activities will be specifically related to the EU history and values, and also to the EU integration process, (i.e. what it is? What are the benefits of it? How can we contribute to it?).

By developing strong leadership, teamwork, and communication abilities people can run projects more smoothly, deliver results that please everyone, and even positively influence their personal life by improving how they interact with others. Law no. 75/2019 “On Youth” was approved in November 2019, enabling the integration and coordination of many legal and policy documents previously drafted. According to the article 7 of this Law the municipalities are responsible for organizing and providing activities to support youth welfare and for the creation and development of youth infrastructure. Even though the legal framework is advancing, the factual implementation has a lot of space for improvement.


Empowering Future Leaders will be implemented for 8 months by AMAD as partner in this project of Municipality of Rrogozhina. This action is funded by European Union under the framework of EU4Municipalities, through NALAS.


Feel the Beat

Feel the Beat reached today an understanding agreement with the Institute of Deaf Students, as the beneficiary category of this innovative project, the first of its kind in Albania.

Music helps people to boost their confidence, encourage learning about emotions and help develop fine motor skills. Many deaf people play musical instruments and participate in musical activities every day. It is a misconception that this community cannot, or does not, participate in and enjoy music in all its forms. In Albania, based on data from INSTAT, there are 39,000 people with different levels of hearing loss from mild to profound deafness, from children with attached ears to those who have lost their hearing at a later stage of life.

Musicians with hearing loss often use the vibration of their instrument, or the surface it is connected to, to help them feel the sound they create, so even though they may not be able to hear they can use the vibration caused by musical sound to help them ‘hear’ music.

The journey we want to take consists of several stages: from education through percussion instruments to performance and enjoying live music in clubs. The musical vibration device is a very efficient and hands-free way to tap into these all-important sound-induced vibrations.

Europe Day 2022, Vienna/ Europatag 2022, Wien

Promoting common Albanian-European values and conveying the rule of law principles was the goal of Albania’s representation by AMAD at Europe Day 2022 in Vienna, Austria.

Representing Albania in activities that promote values and integration in the EU is one of the four pillars of AMAD’s program areas in contributing to the democracy, transparency, the rule of law, solidarity, etc. In addition to many promotional and lobbying activities, with a dedicated stand to the event and equipped with promotional materials, implemented under the title “Europatag 2022” (German: Europe Day 2022), AMAD also managed to hold a meeting at the Albanian Embassy in Vienna, together with the partner organisation Vienna goes Europe. In the meeting with the Ambassador Mr. Roland Bimo, the executive director of AMAD Mrs. Voltiza Prendi presented the need for inter-institutional cooperation with civil society in a common objective in the interest of the communities.

Diversity, infodemic, integration and progress policies, the role of societies and non-governmental organizations were some of the issues discussed at the meeting.

The AMAD Center together with me Vienna goes to Europe continue the activities thanks to the already consolidated partnership.

Reacting on hate speech, improving mental health

Advocacy in the media; technical brief on the impact of hate speech on the mental health of adolescents; interinstitutional discussion table

We rejoice and celebrate together

Activity for children from vulnerable communities who receive services at the “Gonxhe Bojaxhiu” social center, Tirana. 30 children and 17 families benefited from the activity.
An instrumental concert was also given by the high school girls “Bnjaket e harkeve”.
– 17 panettone cakes
– 10 packages of cookies + 4 soft drinks
– concert

Increasing the capacities and knowledge of Civil Society Organizations on programs and projects financed by the European Union

Increasing the competitive abilities of NGOs in the framework of programs financed by the EU.
Increasing the management skills of NGOs within the EU-funded programs.